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Fuller’s Does Curb Repair in Kelowna!

Winter is a common culprit for causing damage to concrete curbs. Once the snow melts and the weather warms, you’ll often notice that what’s left is a cracked and broken curb. By repairing your curbs, you ensure the safety of your customers. Furthermore, having curb repair done shows that you care about your business. Nothing leaves a bad impression like a crumbling curb. In this article, we will be going over everything you need to know about curb repair in Kelowna. Follow along below to learn more!

All About Curb Repair in Kelowna

curb repair kelowna

  • What Causes Curb Damage?

The main cause of curb damage in the Okanagan is the process of freezing and thawing that occurs during the end of winter and early spring. However, curb damage can also happen when vehicles hit curbs. Especially, heavy machinery or large trucks. In addition to this, curb damage can occur as a result of tree roots expanding. As root systems age, they can become strong enough to crack a curb open. 

  • How to Know When to Get Your Curb(s) Repaired?

Like anything, the damage to a curb can range from moderate to severe. Sometimes you may only notice a few missing chunks, whereas, other times the curb may become completely dislodged from its original place. It is best to have your curb looked at by a professional to determine if repairs are needed. 

  • What’s the Risk of Leaving Broken Curbs?

Broken curbs can pose all sorts of risks to your customers. For instance, broken, cracked, or dislodged curbs can be a tripping hazard to people. Furthermore, they can cause damage to customers’ vehicles which can be expensive and unsafe. Additionally, broken curbs can make it so that landscaping is no longer contained. This can end up causing the debris to flow into drainage infrastructure.

Contact Fuller’s About Curb Repair!

For more information about our curb repair services, contact us at Fuller’s right away! This year is going to be our busiest yet. If you have any questions about our landscaping services, someone from our team would be happy to help you out! Be sure to check out our social media for progress photos and past projects. We look forward to working with you in the near future!